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The Jam: Long-form improv jam at the Nursery Theatre

$0.00 (+ PayPal Fees)

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What is The Jam?

The Jam is a free “open mic” style comedy improv night at The Nursery. Each first Monday of the month two randomly selected teams of improvisers, new and old, will perform a long-form improv jam creating a montage of scenes inspired by a word, story, or even a piece of music. This free night also includes two 15 minute open spots for new and old teams and close with a headliner.

Look, we even have a trailer so you can find out more!

* Red Lorry Yellow Lorry
* Lew/Dinks/Lu

And a headline set from BOOM Chicago

Not only this but TWO long form jams!

All this for free! FREE! Amazing!!
Plus it’s BYOB with a small charge for corkage.

This is a great opportunity for new improvisers to hone their craft on a stage in front of a real audience. Especially talented improvisers who may not have a team but still want a chance to play. Also, although it’s a “long form jam” we’ll mostly be focusing on getting people to do scenes – something that any improviser, from any school or style can do.

Get involved.


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  • 1st January, 1970 by @